C++ Группа 1

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Кудинкин Алексей




Реализовать шаблонную версию ранее реализованного контейнера vector. Также реализовать специализацию получившегося шаблона оптимизированную для хранения бит: vector<bool>.

Intro to exceptions



Exceptions Safety


Reconsider your own `vector` implementation towards making it exception-safe.

Following members of your `vector` implementation should be reconsidered to match corresponding exception-safety guarantees:

  • operator= (strong)
  • push_back (strong)


Try match your implementation on the functions predefined inside STL.

Try to reduce boilerplate inside your implementation relying on the standard-library defined utilities.

Hint: see memory header closely (`uninitialized_*` family).

#4 Deque

Implement double-ended queue matching interface of thereof inside STL (std::deque) and matching its performance requirements.

At the very least, it should contain following members:

  • push_back
  • pop_back
  • push_front
  • pop_front
  • insert
  • clear
  • resize
  • back
  • front
  • size
  • begin/rbegin
  • end/rend

NB: Implementing deque matching performance requirements of the STL one, try to minimize unused memory 'committed' by your implementation.

If you consider that it's impossible, be ready to assure your point.